Hardship: Group Cautions Youths on Planned Protests, Citing EndSARS Aftermath

Hardship: Group Cautions Youths on Planned Protests, Citing EndSARS Aftermath

Hardship: Group Cautions Youths on Planned Protests, Citing EndSARS Aftermath 

The Self Reliance for Physically Challenged Traders of Nigeria has issued a warning against violent protests that could plunge the country into chaos.

In a statement released on Monday by Comrade Munnir Shehu and Alhaji Yakubu Ibrahim, the group's Chairman and Secretary, they responded to the planned protests by youths against President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration. The protests are in reaction to alleged hardships caused by the president's new policies and reforms.

The group emphasized that Nigeria has not yet recovered from the scars left by the 2021 EndSARS protests and urged the government to take appropriate measures to prevent any protests that could lead to a breakdown of law and order.

They further stated that the disability group would do everything possible to mobilize its members for self-defense and to protect the integrity of Nigeria. They stressed that constructive dialogue is the best way to solve Nigeria’s problems, not protests.

“We, the Self Reliance for Physically Challenged Traders of Nigeria, feel compelled to urgently address the recent calls for youth protests against President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. We firmly believe that such actions pose a significant and imminent threat to our nation’s stability, unity, and progress, and could potentially plunge our country into chaos, similar to the destabilization seen in other nations experiencing unrest.

“Let it be known that if these protests proceed, we will mobilize massively across the country to defend our rights and the integrity of Nigeria. Protests of this nature are not only unproductive but also dangerously destabilizing,” the statement explained.

The group highlighted the risk of plunging the nation into chaos, undermining the very fabric of society, and inflicting harm on all citizens, especially the physically challenged community, who are often the most vulnerable during times of unrest. They expressed their desire to avoid the turmoil and violence that occurred during the EndSARS protests, which left deep scars on the nation.

The statement called on the youth and all concerned citizens to consider the potential consequences of their actions. It noted that the government has taken significant steps to address pressing issues, including the introduction of student loans to make education more accessible and the proposed ₦70,000 minimum wage to improve the standard of living for workers and their families.

Additionally, the Npower program, which has provided valuable employment and training opportunities for many Nigerians, will continue to be a cornerstone of the government’s efforts to combat unemployment and enhance skills development. The group stressed that all outstanding issues related to the program will be resolved, and stipends will be increased from ₦30,000 to a higher, more sustainable amount, ensuring fair compensation for participants.

The group also appealed to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to promptly fill existing ministerial vacancies by appointing qualified individuals to crucial positions to enhance the efficiency of the government’s operations and ensure that all sectors function optimally.

Suleiman Inuwa

I am a professional website developer and also an SEO expert.

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