How To Know All Info About Your Android Phone

Nowadays people only look for reliable information about something in Google search to find out if something is fake or real, but this will not be enough to identify if something is original or not. This time around I will show you a successful free method to find all the necessary information about your android phone using an app.

Before most people usually contact other people who have good ideas about original phones and their reliable info, but as technology goes on now you can check all needed info on your phone by just applying simple steps.

Also using this method that I will show you, you could be able to identify your phone's original name brand, processor, RAM storage, ROM storage size your phone battery health, and more.

How Can I Know All Info Of My Phone?

You can know the original info of your phone using this simple method that I have almost liked using over years, and its a way of using an Android app, this app will drive all info of your phone and insight you more about it, you can also identify if your phone is fake or original. because most times people bought new phones without knowing they are not original, this method will effectively help them to find out the truth.

What Is The App Name?

This app is commonly found anywhere either in the Google playstore or on the internet, the app is known as the CPU-Z, yes this app is a wonderful app that tells you more about your phone health, speed, and more.

How does It work?

After successfully installed, launch the app and start enjoying it, some features that this app will show you are many but I will tell you a few, including your phone's original brand name, model number, processing ability, storage, battery health, and percentage, your phone processor provider name and more.

How To Download The App

You can find this app in playstore or use this link to download it directly.


Suleiman Inuwa

I am a professional website developer and also an SEO expert.

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